
How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who
How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

how to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

Paul is a dedicated family man and is the father of four incredible kids.

how to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

He is an award winning fine‐art photographer with past exhibitions at major galleries, and is a passionate longboard skateboarder. Paul completed a Bachelor of Science degree, a Bachelor of Medical Science degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature prior to his medical training. Paul is a published author of scientific papers related to paediatric medication prescribing as well as complementary and alternative medications in children. He provides supervision and mentoring for training specialists through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching through the Royal Children’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne. He is an Expert Reviewer and Author for Australia’s Raising Children’s Network around sleep problems and general development. Paul has developed clinical guidelines for paediatricians, general practitioners as well as parents at multiple institutions. In recent years he has remained a consultant Paediatrician at the Austin Hospital Paediatric Emergency Department. Training and teaching as a Paediatrician at The Royal Children’s Hospital’s Centre for Community Child Health, his clinical appointments have included the Behaviour Clinic, Preschool Developmental Clinic, ADHD clinic, Sleep clinic, Unsettled Babies Clinic and multidisciplinary School Function Program. He has held positions at the Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service in Developmental and Eating Disorders Programs.

how to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

Paul has worked with high risk individuals in the Corrections and Juvenile Justice systems for over 15 years.

How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who